Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Is it just me or is Kirkman being an ass to #thewalkingdead #daryl fans? Hmmmmm....

Dear Deadry,

I must say I was a bit taken aback by Robert Kirkman's flip attitude and blatantly crass remarks to fans of Norman Reedus character Daryl Dixon.

"Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman said that fans might actually wind up getting Daryl killed, because he took the message of “if Daryl dies, we riot” as somewhat of a dare. Kirkman said, “But specifically about the Daryl thing–that fan reaction is going to get him killed. I feel like it’s a dare. Like, ‘Oh, really? You’re gonna riot? We’ll see…we’ll see. No one is safe.”

Every time I read an article with him spewing those words I am soooooooooooooooo... 


I mean come on now, maybe it is just me but I think Kirkman is being kind of cocky and rude about it. I would be embracing the fact that fans were in love with a character I was working with in a show, not acting all PFFFT about it. Norman Reedus will be loved no matter what they do, but for Kirkman to act this way just really irritates me. I would think it would be counterproductive to kill off one of your fan favorite characters just because you can, just to prove a point, just to piss people off etc...

In fact I think it is no less than ass backwards to do such a thing when all they talk about is people will still be watching The Walking Dead 10 years from now.....well not if you kill off the most loved characters such as Rick and Daryl.

You should be taking your fan favorites and giving them more screen time, more character development, and putting them on the forefront so your fans get even more hooked and your ratings soar and soar.

As for the whole If Daryl Dies We Riot....

I doubt very seriously people will take to the streets and commit vandalism, random acts of violence etc... over Daryl being killed.....but they may very well boycott the studio, rant, rave and raise hell all over the internet, unsubscribe, unfollow, unfriend, etc.. anyone and anything related to The Walking Dead...well except for Norman Reedus of course. I know there would be crazed women running amuck for sure!!!

All of that being said, could you imagine the one thing they may just very well do that would be like a bitchslap directly to Kirkman???????


And you know what that would mean a HUGE drop in ratings and a possible ultimate future of no renewals of future seasons! Now wouldn't that be karma being the ultimate bitch!!!!!!

So Kirkman don't be a bitch to your Daryl Dixon loving fans and remember......

And if he does kill our beloved Daryl don't worry Karma will get him where it hurts most!


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